Want a nice walk with your pup? You are in the right place. 

Puppies are naturally exploring and curious by nature and eventually expect an answer from their masters. The answer given in a proper way can train a puppy that will lead to an obedient and tractable Dog. Regardless of how much your puppy adores and loves you, making him walk beside you can be difficult. Good time given to your pup for leash training can give you the perks of being able to walk with your obedient and happy pup that feels like a family member which will be worth your while. 

How to Leash Train a Puppy – How to walk a puppy 

Get him used to a collar and leash:

Introduce the leash or collar to your pup and make him used to it. Let Your pup drag and pull the leash attached to his collar to make it more familiar to Him. Give him a treat when he approaches the leash. While putting the collar on the pet, reward him with some treats and appreciate his good behavior. If he starts whining and pulling the leash, set him free for the time being and try again some other time. Keep your focus on connecting the leash with treats and walking so he is more attracted to it. 

Have short training sessions in familiar places:

puppies have a short attention span, so don’t expect them keeps their interest in the training for long. Start with a walk around the house or a place where he is familiar. This way he won’t be distracted by the new place and his desire to explore them. 

Praise good behavior:

Healing is a technique you use to train your dog to walk by your side either left or right whichever is suitable for you. When walking alongside your dog heap on the praise and reward him with a Random treat. Stop the walk every time he pulls the leash it may harm the dog or even yourself if the dog is big. So stop when he starts to pull And every time he starts walking along your side, reward him. Eventually, he’ll learn that pulling is taking him nowhere, and walking beside you is yummy. Be patient. If your dog has been pulling on the leash for a while, it’ll take time to get rid of this habit. Never pull your dog along. Make sure to reward him for coming when you call him to keep walking along. If he is persistent, you have to take his attention back to the walk and away from the thing with all distractions. 

Keep the leash short:

the length of the leash is an important point to focus on to keep the pup beside you. This sometimes feels negative to humans but the less space to stray away from your side, the easier it is for him to learn to walk next to you.  

Keep him at your side:

by keeping the leash short still, your pup can move in a direction you don’t want like in front of the back, and tend to sniff and wander around. walking with your pup by your side allows you to control his direction. This will also help to keep the pup from being tangled up with the leash and you. Once he is trained enough you can lend him enough space to let them be.

Let him spend time on his own:

As for a dog, walks are always a way to relieve themselves. However, sniffing around is a dog’s habit. So call it an “off duty” thing for not ruining the walk for your dog, sometimes keep the leash long enough so that he can sniff around and be happy for doing the things he loves. Notice your pup if he wants to relieve himself, stop walking and increase the leash to explore and do his things. After being done, reward him with praise or treats. 

Set a pace:

Dogs are naturally curious and want to rush to certain attractions on your walk or move in their favorite spots. Firstly it’s important to choose a perfectly comfortable pace for both of you. Keep the pace at which both of you normally can move together. For instance, If you notice that your dog is not being able to keep a certain pace, or is rushing, stop and let him come back to you and then rebuild the comfortable pace. 

How to walk a puppy

Problems you may face with your pet while training and their solutions

1. Act like a tree.

Pulling on the leash is the most common reaction of the puppies to the leash, simple standing like a tree can easily solve it and avoid injuries to the dog and yourself.  

2. Let your dog approach other dogs but with their owner’s permission first.

Firstly getting permission from the other dog owners can be a relief that their dogs are as friendly as yours. Sometimes the other dogs may have some illness or have been through a recent surgery or may have some kind of trauma that may result in bad interaction. 

3. Barking at other dogs.

One of the commonest problems faced due to lack of brain stimulation and exercise. Trick training and treat giving with some fetch, running, and swimming along with frequent and longer sessions of exercise can help storm the socializing skills of the dog. 

4. Lunging and barking at moving stimuli.

The moving wheels of a car or a fast-running animal like a squirrel can trigger the prey in your dog and trigger him to chase after them. This problem can be solved within seconds by diverting the wants of your dog by giving him some tasty treats or commanding the dog to obey you for instance command him to sit or down. 


After the efforts of training your pup, now get ready for a better human-pup relationship with a bold and confident walk with your puppy. 

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