Feeding a New Puppy

 A puppy’s feeding schedule depends on his age. Younger puppies need more frequent meals. Older puppies can eat less often. Feeding new puppies can lay the foundation for adult doghood. Proper nutrition from complete and balanced puppy food has a positive impact on your puppy’s growth and development.  

 How many times a day should a puppy eat? 

Regardless of age, it’s important to establish a feeding schedule for your puppy. Puppies less than 6 months old most puppies are fully weaned from mother’s milk between six and eight weeks. Once weaned, puppies should get three Scheduled feedings a day.  

 Make sure you know the total amount of food he needs per day based on his weight and divide that amount among the three feedings.  

For puppies 6 months to 1-year-old around six months of age decrease the number of feedings to twice a day: Once in the morning and once in the evening.  

1 year & up  

Many puppies reach maturity around their first birthday. Some large breeds take 18 months to 2 years to fully mature. Once your puppy has reached full maturity based on his breed size, you can feed him once or twice a day. 

When you do transition to a different food for example, When they move to be a puppy to an adult dog-do it over a week or so, by mixing the new and old foods together and gradually increasing the percentage of new food. 

 Once you’ve put your puppy’s bowls down, they’ll smell and nose the food to test the temperature. When they’ve started eating make sure to keep an eye on them to ensure their safety but don’t fuss over them while they’re eating as it could cause protective, aggressive behavior.  

 Leave the bowls down for 15 to 20 minutes then remove them, even if there is food still uneaten, this will help them learn they must eat when you decide. You should also feed your puppy after you’ve eaten or at a different time completely to demonstrate the hierarchy of the household.  

Always make sure there is plenty of water available, and change it regularly. Giving your puppy scraps or leftovers can result in bad behavior as it confuses their routine.  

Similarly, try and avoid offering food as a reward too frequently and not do not offer treat food as a way to entice them to eat their “main” food-it is too confusing for your puppy and may result in them not eating.  

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