A Guide to Traveling with your Dog 

By Asar Yousuf

With easy access to travel, we are constantly on the move, exploring new places and meeting new people from all around the world. Have you been longing to travel somewhere but not sure what to do with your furry friend? Sometimes people cancel travel plans because they do not know how to manage their dogs while traveling. Even if you planning a vacation by yourself or with your family, it would be quite sad if you had to leave your dog behind every time. Many dog owners get pet sitters while they are on a holiday. While this is a smart idea, it would also be a fun experience to take your pet along with you. Don’t you think? 

With easy access to travel, we are constantly on the move, exploring new places and meeting new people from all around the world. Have you been longing to travel somewhere but not sure what to do with your furry friend? Sometimes people cancel travel plans because they do not know how to manage their dogs while traveling. Even if you planning a vacation by yourself or with your family, it would be quite sad if you had to leave your dog behind every time. Many dog owners get pet sitters while they are on a holiday. While this is a smart idea, it would also be a fun experience to take your pet along with you. Don’t you think? 

The good news is that it is possible to take your dog along when you go for a holiday. Many airlines are making it easier for pet owners to do this. But there are things you will need to keep in mind and follow to make sure your dog is safe and comfortable.  

Traveling on the road can be very different from going by train or if you are flying. So, make sure your travel preparations are done according to your mode of transport.  

Here’s what you need to do if you are flying 

When planning to fly with your pooch, remember that many airlines have varying restrictions on breed, storage, and also destinations. This means there will be changes to the rules since airlines have to comply with government regulations as well.       

The best way to get the facts right is to contact the airlines directly. The general rules are that you will need a certification of health from a veterinarian just a few days before flying along with his vaccination and rabies certificate. Do check with your vet if you will need to take any other safety measures apart from what is mentioned by the airlines. 

Now here’s the hard truth, while taking your pooch along with you for your vacation might be lots of fun, some dogs do not have a pleasant experience flying especially if they need to be traveling in the cargo hold. Talk to other dog owners who have done this before and also consult your vet.  

A few of the most pet-friendly airlines out there are American Airlines, JetBlue, Air Canada, Air France, and Delta. Some of these airlines have special programs for your pets. For example, the JetPaws program by JetBlue airlines allows pet-parent travelers with a carrier bag, a list of tips for managing your pet while traveling, and also TrueBlue points. Both JetBlue and American Airlines do allow pet owners to take their pets along with them in the cabin for shorter trips. 

Traveling by car  

If your travel destinations are close by, driving with your dog is easier than any other mode of transportation. While traveling by car, make sure to use a dog carrier that can be strapped to your car seat. When it comes to getting your dog a carrier, pick one that is strong and comfortable and one that will suit your dog’s size. For safety reasons, it’s always advisable for your pet to take the back seat.  

Pack all the pet essentials before you go for your vacation. You will need all the health certificates and also other essentials like food, medications, water, and bowls. Do not forget to carry a pack of poop bags and a pooper scooper as well. If your dog gets easily bored, carry along a few dog toys to keep him engaged.  

Traveling on a train 

If you have an option to travel by train to your destination, you can definitely consider taking your dog along. To begin with, understand which trains allow you to take pets along. Most Amtrak trains allow dogs up to twenty pounds for up to a seven hours journey. However, you might need to take them in a carrier depending on train regulations and the law of the land. 

In Europe, pets are allowed to travel on most trains. However, larger dogs need to be muzzled. In a lot of European countries, pet traveling is free as well. For example, you can take small pets under 10 kg on the Deutsche Bahn, the German trains, for free. However, they need to be in a carrier or a closed cage so that they don’t disturb other passengers. Just like flying, carrying all the certificates and other essentials is important when traveling on the train. 

Travel Checklist for your dog 

While traveling with your dog isn’t a doddle, a little prep can ease the process. Make a to-do list and a checklist of items you will need to take along.  

Here’s a shortlist of basic essentials to get you started with the planning. Please add to the list based on the travel requirements as well. 

  1. Pet passport (based on the country you are traveling to) 
  1. Dog treats  
  1. Poop Bags 
  1. A Leash 
  1. Dog toys 
  1. A picture of your dog (Just in case of an emergency where you are separated from your dog) 
  1. Vaccination Record and other medical documents. 
  1. First-aid kit 
  1. Dog Towel. 
  1. Brush and Comb 
  1. Dog Carrier (based on the requirements) 
  1. Dog Food and Water 
  1. Medicines (remember dogs get travel sickness too) 

Finally, don’t forget to look up some dog-friendly places to hang out during your vacation. Remember the journey is just the beginning of the adventure. 


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